Introduce we have 4 new blogger templates have re-designed. They are cool for it responsiveness, mobile and fast. Well, we would like to tell you one by one:
tampilan responsif template re-desain


Blogger platform is different if you compare with Wordpress that has so many templates found on it dasbor. Blogger has limited amount, but you can find out alternative templates in internet, start in Free one with conditions to the expensive cost that called as premium templates.

Of course all are need costs, even it Free they insert footer credit into it or direct link to protect what they call 'copyright'. Especially the Direct Link, it will kick you to their landing page when you try to delete it. And the template creator will being lucky because it will being sent him such organic traffic, ads visit or clicks and also backlink.

If you want to avoid it and if you are no matter, you may explore editblogtema blog and explore download navbar to search kind of templates you like. It limited 4 models base on default themes: Contempo, soho, Emporio and Notable.

See what news:
  1. Add navbar, modify header and even seach button
  2. Modify template body structure
  3. Modify sidebar
  4. Add footer with social link
  5. Add custom auto blog credit, no direct link, or external direct link. No at all
  6. Add breadcrumbs
  7. Add related posts
  8. Display avatar or Author Image on each blog posts

1. Contempo & Emporio Tempaltes
contempo dan emporio
contempo and emporio after re-design


soho dan notable
tampilan template soho dan notable setelah re-desain



Of course they will be developed time after time

Next time : We will explain how to edit Blogger Emporio grid Homepage.
Ikuti terus trik, tips, teknik hack dan kabar terupdate dari blog ini!

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Silahkan berkomentar sesuai dengan topik kita ya...

  1. emporio template plaese email yusufsezgin76@gmail.com

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